[10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: ========== Logging started ========== [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: ===================================== [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: Command line: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\setup.exe /web [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {481CEF9F-033A-11D3-ACE2-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Disable Error Logging - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::LoadSetupLog() completed [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadManagers [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadUIManager() [10/11/13,17:50:35] vs70uimgr: Entering InitializeModule() method. [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::CopyTempFiles() - Installing setup files... [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::InstallSetupFiles() starting [10/11/13,17:50:35] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::CopyTempFiles() - Successfuly copied files to temp; rerunning Setup... [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::CopyTempFiles() - Finished Rerunning Setup... [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: UnloadSuiteComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {383F0141-C682-4665-A69B-756E719C968D} - PropertyName: Process Return Code - Value: [10/11/13,17:50:35] Setup.exe: SETUP EXIT CODE - 0 [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: ========== Logging started ========== [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: ===================================== [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: Command line: "C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\setup.exe" /web /CreatedTemp /NoExclude /InstalledFrom "c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup" [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {481CEF9F-033A-11D3-ACE2-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Disable Error Logging - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::LoadSetupLog() completed [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadManagers [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadDependencyMgr() [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadCDInfoMgr() [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadDiskInfoMgr() [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadUIManager() [10/11/13,17:50:36] vs70uimgr: Entering InitializeModule() method. [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadDatabaseValues [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:36] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Vista: WindowsFeatureName property is not present. CCBSComponent::SetManager() [10/11/13,17:50:36] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64) - Vista: WindowsFeatureName property is not present. CCBSComponent::SetManager() [10/11/13,17:50:36] MSITOSIT: Attempting to pre-load file: C:\Windows\system32\msimsg.dll [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:50:36] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:38] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:38] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:39] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:39] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Starting dynamic costing Sequence [10/11/13,17:50:39] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Starting pre CostFinalize CA Sequence [10/11/13,17:50:39] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Ending pre CostFinalize CA Sequence [10/11/13,17:50:39] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:40] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Starting post CostFinalize dynamic Sequence [10/11/13,17:50:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Ending post CostFinalize Sequence [10/11/13,17:50:40] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:40] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:40] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,17:50:40] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:40] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:41] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual Basic [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual Basic PowerPacks [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: InstallShieldTemplates [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual C++ [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Core_X86 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Extended_X86 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Core [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Extended [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Itanium Compilers and Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Core_I64 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Extended_I64 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: X64 Compilers and Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Core_X64 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Extended_X64 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual C# [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual F# [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: F# Redist Bootstrapper Package for .NET 4.0 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: F# Redist Bootstrapper Package for .NET 2.0 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual Web Developer [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Office Developer Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Team Developer and Tester Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Performance Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual Studio IntelliTrace [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Code Analysis Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Testing Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: VsttLite Specific [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Graphics Library [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Team Explorer [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_VARS_X86_VS [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_VARS_X86 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Microsoft Visual Studio for Applications 2008 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Remote Debugging [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Microsoft Visual Studio Team Developer Package [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio Dev10 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Vista Client Common Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Win32 Development Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows Headers and Libraries [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows Headers [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows Libraries for x86 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows Libraries for AMD64 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows Libraries for IA64 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: WinSDKIntellisenseRefAssys [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: WinSDKIntellisense [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: WinSDKRefAssys [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows SDK .Net 4.0 Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows SDK .Net 3.5 Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: WinSDK Common Registry [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: WinSDK Package Registry [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: ProductRegKeyVSTS [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: ARP_REG_KEYS_HIDDEN [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: SQL EULAs [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Product ID [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Servicing [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Detection [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,17:50:42] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:42] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:42] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:42] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:42] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0969412C-7281-11D2-AF01-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Suite Directory - Value: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Integration [10/11/13,17:50:42] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:42] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] A higher version of Visual Studio is already installed: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] A higher version of Visual Studio is already installed: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] IA64 blocker: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] IA64 blocker: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows XP Service Pack 3 is required: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows XP Service Pack 3 is required: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows XP x64 Service Pack 2 is required: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows XP x64 Service Pack 2 is required: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Update Information: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Update Information: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows Imaging Component is required: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows Imaging Component is required: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows Imaging Component (64-bit) is required: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows Imaging Component (64-bit) is required: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 2 Update Information: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 2 Update Information: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows Installer 3.1 or higher is required.: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Windows Installer 3.1 or higher is required.: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] VC 9.0 Runtime (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] VC 9.0 Runtime (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] VC 10.0 Runtime (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] VC 10.0 Runtime (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft .NET Framework 4: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft .NET Framework 4: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Windows XP: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Windows XP: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x86) - Windows XP: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x86) - Windows XP: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Windows 2003: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Windows 2003: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x86) - Windows 2003: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x86) - Windows 2003: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Vista: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Vista: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64) - Vista: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64) - Vista: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:43] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] TFS Object Model (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] TFS Object Model (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] TFS Object Model (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] TFS Object Model (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Silverlight: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Silverlight: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK Prerequisite: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK Prerequisite: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x86) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x86) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x86) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x86) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x86) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x86) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x86) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x86) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:44] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x86) Upgrade: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x86) Upgrade: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64) Upgrade: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64) Upgrade: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x86: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x86: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: Return type: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : CheckForRemove [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadActionOverrides() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadScenarioFactory [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadScenarioFactory() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::LoadSetupObject((): Loading vsscenario.dll [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:45] VS Scenario: Entering CVSScenario::EnableScriptsInHtml [10/11/13,17:50:45] VS Scenario: CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled succeed [10/11/13,17:50:45] Watson UX Data Logging started: [10/11/13,17:50:45] ==============================: [10/11/13,17:50:45] UserID: {F859FE81-9923-4125-B340-C01D3DE4C4CD} [10/11/13,17:50:45] SessionID: {054360C6-742F-4C53-A9CF-F704FCF1C219} [10/11/13,17:50:45] ProductCode: {BC0464FA-A0BA-3E38-85BF-DC5B3A401F48} [10/11/13,17:50:45] ProductVersion: 10.0.30319.01 [10/11/13,17:50:45] ProductLang: 0x409 [10/11/13,17:50:45] Begin_Session: [10/11/13,17:50:45] VS Scenario: Pending Reboot Table state : Logging start [10/11/13,17:50:45] VS Scenario: _________________________________________ [10/11/13,17:50:45] VS Scenario: There are no queued up pending reboot entries. [10/11/13,17:50:45] SysInfo: amd64x8, 6.1.7601, Service Pack 1, 0x413 [10/11/13,17:50:45] HWInfo: GenuineIntel, 0x893, 0x1fed, 0x1 [10/11/13,17:50:45] AppsRunning: [10/11/13,17:50:45] IsInternal: 0x0 [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:45] WebInstall: 0x1 [10/11/13,17:50:45] BITS_Version: 7.5.7601.17514 [10/11/13,17:50:45] ConnectionType: INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadSetupLocationInformation [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : SelectAllComponents [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : InitializeUIManager [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::InitializeUIManager() [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: Entering Start() method. [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Setting the Default INI. [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished setting the Default INI. [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Getting the Install Mode. [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {340F7930-0E41-11D3-ACE2-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Output Unattend File - Value: [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {F7C3A876-6A4A-4624-9803-CE3216659633} - PropertyName: Transaction Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished getting the Install Mode : 1 [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Getting the Reboot Mode. [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BCC78D7A-89AE-11D2-AF03-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Post Reboot State - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished getting the Reboot Mode : 0 [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Getting the Admin Mode. [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: Entering GetAdminMode. [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::GetAdminMode m_AdminMode = AM_NOMODE [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished getting the Admin Mode : 0 [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Loading Pages [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: Entering LoagPages() method. [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::LoadPages(): Parsing SDB and Loading pages [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: vs70pgui.dll : {bb81d810-3f9b-11d3-a50c-00c04f5e0ba5} [10/11/13,17:50:45] VS70pgui: Entered InitializeModule Method of Start Page [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: vs70pgui.dll : {9fe307c0-3646-11d3-a508-00c04f5e0ba5} [10/11/13,17:50:45] VS70pgui: Entered InitializeModule Method of Start Page [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: vs70pgui.dll : {bb81d811-3f9b-11d3-a50c-00c04f5e0ba5} [10/11/13,17:50:45] VS70pgui: CInstallPage::InitializeModule [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: vs70pgui.dll : {1920cc5d-5be5-45d4-9c1c-3513d334c71c} [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::LoadPages(): Adding Global Property: CustomCoreProp_AutoLoginAvailable [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::LoadPages(): Finished adding Global Property: CustomCoreProp_AutoLoginAvailable [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished loading Pages [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Creating Main Thread Events [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: Entering DisplayStartup() method. - not custom implemented [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: Entering ThreadUI() method. [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::ResetBaselineActions() : SMP_SUITEBASELINE [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetBaslineComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMGr::SetWindowTitle(): Getting Property Value for: VS Custom;ProdDesc [10/11/13,17:50:45] vs70uimgr: CUIMGr::SetWindowTitle(): Finished getting Property Value for: VS Custom;ProdDesc [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::ResetBaselineActions() : SMP_SUITEBASELINE [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetBaslineComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:45] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::ResetBaselineActions() : SMP_SCENARIOBASELINE [10/11/13,17:50:46] VS Scenario: IVSSetupScenarioImpl::GetBaslineComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:46] vs70uimgr: Entering SelectScenario() method. - not custom implemented [10/11/13,17:50:46] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : CheckBaselines [10/11/13,17:50:46] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:46] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : StartUIManager [10/11/13,17:50:46] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:46] Setup.exe: StartUIManager() [10/11/13,17:50:46] vs70uimgr: Entering RunScenario() method. [10/11/13,17:50:46] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::RunScenario(): Starting the active scenario [10/11/13,17:50:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {340F7930-0E41-11D3-ACE2-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Output Unattend File - Value: [10/11/13,17:50:46] VS Scenario: Validating system requirements [10/11/13,17:50:46] VS Scenario: Running warn and block checks [10/11/13,17:50:47] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:47] VS Scenario: Checking if new setup is available. Url= [10/11/13,17:50:47] VS Scenario: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=158842&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:50:48] VS Scenario: No new bootstrapper found. [10/11/13,17:50:48] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:48] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:48] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:50:48] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:48] VS Scenario: Building component lists [10/11/13,17:50:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] VS Scenario: Running VSCompsToInstall for baseline components [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:50] VS Scenario: Running VSCompsAlreadyInstalled [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:50] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:51] VS Scenario: Building component dispatch lists [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {674F51AB-D488-48DA-8240-FF7330CB9872} - PropertyName: Cmd Line Uninstall Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {9EEA4DFB-733A-4349-B43E-F564351AC503} - PropertyName: Passive Mode - Value: [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::RunScenario(): Setting the UIThread Event [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::RunScenario(): Finished setting the UIThread Event [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the main window [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished creating the main window [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Initializing the Pages [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {9EEA4DFB-733A-4349-B43E-F564351AC503} - PropertyName: Passive Mode - Value: [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Processing Page #1 [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the parent. [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the parent. [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the page. [10/11/13,17:50:51] VS70pgui: Creating Start Page [10/11/13,17:50:51] VS70pgui: Initializing the Start Page dialog [10/11/13,17:50:51] VS70pgui: Entered InitGDIResources method [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:50:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {CE6EA7C5-0F0C-4D91-B597-092B82E2128B} - PropertyName: AlreadyInstalled - Value: \A higher version of Visual Studio is already installed\VC 9.0 Runtime (x86)\VC 10.0 Runtime (x86)\Microsoft .NET Framework 4\.NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack\Microsoft Silverlight\Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK Prerequisite [10/11/13,17:50:51] VS70pgui: Entered InitStaticControls method [10/11/13,17:50:51] VS70pgui: Entered InitStaticToolTips method [10/11/13,17:50:51] VS70pgui: Entered OnClickedAccept method [10/11/13,17:50:51] EULA_Accept: 0x0 [10/11/13,17:50:51] VS70pgui: Created the Start Page [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished creating the page. [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Getting the Header. [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Getting the Header. [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the Header [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Creating the Header [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the position [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the position [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting visibility of header [10/11/13,17:50:51] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting visibility of header [10/11/13,17:50:52] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page position [10/11/13,17:50:52] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page position [10/11/13,17:50:52] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page visibility [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: Entered OnShowWindow method [10/11/13,17:50:52] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page visibility [10/11/13,17:50:52] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Processing Page #2 [10/11/13,17:50:52] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the parent. [10/11/13,17:50:52] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the parent. [10/11/13,17:50:52] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the page. [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::OnInitDialog method [10/11/13,17:50:52] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BCC78D7A-89AE-11D2-AF03-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Post Reboot State - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::InitStaticControls method [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::InitGDIResources method [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::InitPropertyList method [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::InitNavLinks method [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::InitStaticToolTips method [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: COptionsPage::OnInitDialog(): Creating the CComponentTree object [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::CComponentTree(): Populating the selection tree... [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:52] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:52] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:52] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:52] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:52] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:52] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:52] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:52] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Creating a new CComponent Object... [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::PopulateTree(): Finished creating a new CComponent Object [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: CComponentTree::CComponentTree(): Finished populating the selection tree [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: COptionsPage::OnInitDialog(): Finished creating the CComponentTree object [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::InitFeatureTips method [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: COptionsPage::PrepareProView setting up with FULL selection. [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: OnFull() called [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: Setting NEXT to DEFAULT(FULL) [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BE97230A-3CB3-4EEF-B006-06718825DBBA} - PropertyName: Feature Description Full - Value: Installs the Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate integrated environment together with modeling, development, testing, and deployment components that can simplify the entire development process and help ensure high-quality solutions. Provides tools for building solutions on Windows, the Web, Azure, the Office system, SharePoint, SQL Server, and other platforms by using Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++, or Visual F#.

Includes these advanced features: Test Impact Analysis, Coded UI testing, Test Case Management, Database Development, Profiling Tools, Code Analysis Tools, IntelliTrace, Code Coverage, Modeling and Architecture Diagram Tools and Team Explorer. Also includes SQL Server Express, the Windows SDK, Sync Framework, a graphics library, and more. [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: Exiting OnInitDialog() [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished creating the page. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Getting the Header. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Getting the Header. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the Header [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Creating the Header [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the position [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the position [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting visibility of header [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting visibility of header [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page position [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page position [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page visibility [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::OnShowWindow method [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page visibility [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Processing Page #3 [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the parent. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the parent. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the page. [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: CInstallPage::InitBrowser(): Initializing Browser... [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: CInstallPage::InitBrowser(): Finished initializing Browser [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: in RegisterSetupService() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: in RegisterSetupService() [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: Entered CPageHeaderDynamic::SetCallingPageBrowser method [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished creating the page. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Getting the Header. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Getting the Header. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the Header [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: Entered CPageHeaderDynamic::OnInitDialog method [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: m_bShowDefaultDisplay : Could not find: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\setup_animation1.htm [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: m_bShowDefaultDisplay = TRUE! : m_BrandAdList.empty() is true! [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Creating the Header [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the position [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the position [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting visibility of header [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting visibility of header [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page position [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page position [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page visibility [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page visibility [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Processing Page #4 [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the parent. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the parent. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the page. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished creating the page. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Getting the Header. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Getting the Header. [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the Header [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Creating the Header [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the position [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the position [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting visibility of header [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting visibility of header [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page position [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page position [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page visibility [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page visibility [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Thread(): Finished Initializing the pages [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting Current Page & Header visibility [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: Entered OnShowWindow method [10/11/13,17:50:53] VS70pgui: Entered OnClickedAccept method [10/11/13,17:50:53] EULA_Accept: 0x0 [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting Current Page & Header visibility [10/11/13,17:50:53] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Releasing the Waiting dialog [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: DF8FF64A-1967-4871-9E32-CA2F819BAB81 - PropertyName: HWNDForLoadingDialog - Value: 788198 [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: WaitForUserDuringLoad() [10/11/13,17:50:53] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BCC78D7A-89AE-11D2-AF03-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Post Reboot State - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:51:00] Welcome_Next: [10/11/13,17:51:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:51:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {B6A2A114-D198-4CAB-A5CE-90FBF51002F6} - PropertyName: Send UX - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:51:00] Setup.exe: HasWelcomePage() [10/11/13,17:51:00] VS70pgui: Entered OnClickedAccept method [10/11/13,17:51:00] EULA_Accept: 0x0 [10/11/13,17:51:00] Setup.exe: CCoreEngine-Proc() - Finished Main Message Loop [10/11/13,17:51:38] VS70pgui: Entered OnClickedAccept method [10/11/13,17:51:38] EULA_Accept: 0x1 [10/11/13,17:51:49] EULA_Click: [10/11/13,17:51:51] EULA_Next: [10/11/13,17:51:51] VS70pgui: Clicked Next on the Start Page [10/11/13,17:51:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A5F918AF-5E66-11D2-ACCA-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: PID30 - Value: yr3w8fcm2b7bkf9hmqftch7wk [10/11/13,17:51:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A5F918AC-5E66-11D2-ACCA-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: User Name - Value: Bart [10/11/13,17:51:51] VS70pgui: PID: Enabled [10/11/13,17:51:51] VS70pgui: PID: Product key found in setup.sdb [10/11/13,17:51:51] VS70pgui: Entered PidIsValid method [10/11/13,17:51:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {799FF008-23F3-4279-BBAE-34A39906F7A3} - PropertyName: MPC - Value: 01019 [10/11/13,17:51:53] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {35F8C11E-5142-40BD-9A0C-26D3FFD629E5} - PropertyName: ProductId - Value: [10/11/13,17:51:53] VS70pgui: PID: Validation result (ProductID) is 01019-315-4422961-70273 [10/11/13,17:51:53] vs70uimgr: Entering Next() method. [10/11/13,17:51:53] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::OnShowWindow method [10/11/13,17:51:53] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:51:53] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::EnableContinue method [10/11/13,17:51:53] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:51:53] VS70pgui: Entered OnShowWindow method [10/11/13,17:52:03] VS70pgui: OnCustom() called [10/11/13,17:52:03] VS70pgui: Setting NEXT to CUSTOM [10/11/13,17:52:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E2DD7198-13D3-413E-97EA-EBC4CB0A44DF} - PropertyName: Feature Description Custom - Value: This option allows you to select which features you want to install. [10/11/13,17:52:03] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::Restore method [10/11/13,17:52:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0969412C-7281-11D2-AF01-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Suite Directory - Value: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\ [10/11/13,17:52:03] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::EnableContinue method [10/11/13,17:52:03] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:52:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:52:03] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:03] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:52:13] Selection_Next: [10/11/13,17:52:13] VS70pgui: Setting NEXT to DEFAULT(FULL) [10/11/13,17:52:47] Selection_Next: [10/11/13,17:52:47] Feature_Select: Custom [10/11/13,17:52:47] Diskspace_check: C:\|34043 [10/11/13,17:52:47] VS70pgui: Feature Component Name: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate State: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:47] VS70pgui: Feature Component Name: Visual Basic State: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:47] VS70pgui: Feature Component Name: Visual C++ State: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:47] VS70pgui: Feature Component Name: Itanium Compilers and Tools State: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:47] VS70pgui: Feature Component Name: X64 Compilers and Tools State: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:47] VS70pgui: Feature Component Name: Visual C# State: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:47] VS70pgui: Feature Component Name: Visual F# State: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:47] VS70pgui: Feature Component Name: Visual Web Developer State: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:47] VS70pgui: Feature Component Name: Graphics Library State: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:47] VS70pgui: FF8 [10/11/13,17:52:47] VS70pgui: Mapping summary:0000FF8 [10/11/13,17:52:47] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:47] TargetDriveSize: 0x21 [10/11/13,17:52:47] Setup.exe: ReLinkComponentList() [10/11/13,17:52:47] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:47] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:47] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:47] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:47] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:47] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:47] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:47] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:47] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:47] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Windows XP will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x86) - Windows XP will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Windows 2003 will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x86) - Windows 2003 will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64) will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x64) will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Vista will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64) - Vista will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: TFS Object Model (x86) will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: TFS Object Model (x64) will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x86) will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64) will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Silverlight will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK Prerequisite will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86) will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64) will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010 will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x86) ENU will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x86) ENU will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x86) ENU will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x86) ENU will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: VC 10.0 Designtime (x64) will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x86) will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64) will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64) will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4 will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64) will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64) will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x86 will not be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64 will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] VS70pgui: Detected that SQL Server 2008 Express will be installed. [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:48] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::GetFullComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0969412C-7281-11D2-AF01-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Suite Directory - Value: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 [10/11/13,17:52:49] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::Next method [10/11/13,17:52:49] InstallAction: I [10/11/13,17:52:49] vs70uimgr: Entering Next() method. [10/11/13,17:52:49] VS70pgui: Entered CPageHeaderDynamic::OnShowWindow method [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BCC78D7A-89AE-11D2-AF03-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Post Reboot State - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:52:49] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::OnShowWindow method [10/11/13,17:52:49] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Next(): Setting Main Thread Event: E_ME_INSTALL [10/11/13,17:52:49] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Next(): Setting Main Thread Event: E_ME_INSTALL [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() complete [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunLoadSetup() complete [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstall() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallLists() starting [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallLists() - Preparing to Install Setup files... [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::InstallSetupFiles() starting [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::InstallSetupFiles() returning, running in ServicePackMode [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallLists() - Finished installing Setup files [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallLists() - Displaying ProgressScreen... [10/11/13,17:52:49] vs70uimgr: Entering DisplayProgressScreen() method. [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallLists() - Finished displaying ProgressScreen [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_PREINSTALL) starting... [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:52:49] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,17:52:49] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,17:52:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:52:49] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165067&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:52:49] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,17:52:49] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:52:49] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165067&clcid=0x409 using None [10/11/13,17:53:08] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,17:53:08] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165067&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:08] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:08] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:53:08] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:53:08] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:53:08] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:53:08] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:08] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:53:08] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\vcruntimes\x64\vc_runtime_x64.msi [10/11/13,17:53:08] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\vc_runtime_x64.msi [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:08] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:53:08] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165109&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:53:08] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vcruntimes\x64\vc_runtime_x64.msi [10/11/13,17:53:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:08] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:53:08] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165109&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for vc_runtime_x64.msi [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165109&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:53:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vcruntimes\x64\vc_runtime_x64.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:53:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\vcruntimes\x64\vc_runtime_x64.cab [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\vc_runtime_x64.cab [10/11/13,17:53:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165108&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vcruntimes\x64\vc_runtime_x64.cab [10/11/13,17:53:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:53:11] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165108&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:38] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for vc_runtime_x64.cab [10/11/13,17:53:38] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165108&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:38] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:38] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:38] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:53:38] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:53:38] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:53:38] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vcruntimes\x64\vc_runtime_x64.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:38] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:53:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\64bitprereq\x64\VS_Prerequisites_x64_enu.msi [10/11/13,17:53:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\VS_Prerequisites_x64_enu.msi [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:53:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165121&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:53:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\64bitprereq\x64\VS_Prerequisites_x64_enu.msi [10/11/13,17:53:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:53:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165121&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for VS_Prerequisites_x64_enu.msi [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165121&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:53:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\64bitprereq\x64\VS_Prerequisites_x64_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:53:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\64bitprereq\x64\VS_Prerequisites_x64_enu.cab [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\VS_Prerequisites_x64_enu.cab [10/11/13,17:53:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165120&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\64bitprereq\x64\VS_Prerequisites_x64_enu.cab [10/11/13,17:53:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:53:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165120&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for VS_Prerequisites_x64_enu.cab [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165120&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\64bitprereq\x64\VS_Prerequisites_x64_enu.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:51] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\fsharp\fsharpredist2.0.msi [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\fsharpredist2.0.msi [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165117&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\fsharp\fsharpredist2.0.msi [10/11/13,17:53:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:53:51] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165117&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for fsharpredist2.0.msi [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165117&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:53:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\fsharp\fsharpredist2.0.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:53:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\fsharp\FSharpRedist2.0.cab [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\FSharpRedist2.0.cab [10/11/13,17:53:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165116&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\fsharp\FSharpRedist2.0.cab [10/11/13,17:53:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:53:54] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165116&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for FSharpRedist2.0.cab [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165116&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\fsharp\FSharpRedist2.0.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:59] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\vsa\vsa_env.msi [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\vsa_env.msi [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165353&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vsa\vsa_env.msi [10/11/13,17:53:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:53:59] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165353&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for vsa_env.msi [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165353&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:54:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:54:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vsa\vsa_env.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:54:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\vsa\vsa_env.cab [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\vsa_env.cab [10/11/13,17:54:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165352&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vsa\vsa_env.cab [10/11/13,17:54:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:54:03] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165352&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:54:50] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for vsa_env.cab [10/11/13,17:54:50] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165352&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:54:50] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:54:50] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:50] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:54:50] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:54:50] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:54:50] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vsa\vsa_env.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:50] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:54:50] TFS Object Model (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\tfs\TFSObjectModel-x64_ENU.msi [10/11/13,17:54:50] TFS Object Model (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\TFSObjectModel-x64_ENU.msi [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:50] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:54:50] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165103&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:54:50] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\tfs\TFSObjectModel-x64_ENU.msi [10/11/13,17:54:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:50] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:54:50] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165103&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for TFSObjectModel-x64_ENU.msi [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165103&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:54:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:54:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\tfs\TFSObjectModel-x64_ENU.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:54:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\tfs\TFSObjectModel-x64_ENU.cab [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\TFSObjectModel-x64_ENU.cab [10/11/13,17:54:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165102&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\tfs\TFSObjectModel-x64_ENU.cab [10/11/13,17:54:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:54:54] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165102&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:55:05] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for TFSObjectModel-x64_ENU.cab [10/11/13,17:55:05] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165102&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:55:05] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:55:05] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:55:05] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:55:05] TFS Object Model (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:55:05] TFS Object Model (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:55:05] TFS Object Model (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\tfs\TFSObjectModel-x64_ENU.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A5F918AC-5E66-11D2-ACCA-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: User Name - Value: Bart [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A5F918AD-5E66-11D2-ACCA-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Organization - Value: [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A5F918AF-5E66-11D2-ACCA-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: PID30 - Value: YR3W8FCM2B7BKF9HMQFTCH7WK [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {35F8C11E-5142-40BD-9A0C-26D3FFD629E5} - PropertyName: ProductId - Value: 01019-315-4422961-70273 [10/11/13,17:55:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: MsiInstallProduct initiated with command line: VSEXTUI="1" SETUPWINDOW="198278" PIDKEY="YR3W8FCM2B7BKF9HMQFTCH7WK" INSTALLLEVEL="2" USERNAME="Bart" REBOOT="ReallySuppress" ProductID="01019-315-4422961-70273" ALLUSERS="1" REINSTALLMODE="" [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:55:05] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:55:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\WCU\dotNetFramework\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe [10/11/13,17:55:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\WCU\dotNetFramework\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:55:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:55:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164193&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:55:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\dotNetFramework\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe [10/11/13,17:55:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:55:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:55:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164193&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:56:03] BITS_Bitrate: 0x1a4 [10/11/13,17:57:01] BITS_Bitrate: 0x19a [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for WCU\dotNetFramework\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=164193&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:57:07] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:57:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\dotNetFramework\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe - internal name = dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe [10/11/13,17:57:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\WCU\MSI\WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe [10/11/13,17:57:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=118633&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe [10/11/13,17:57:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:57:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=118633&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:57:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for WCU\MSI\WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe [10/11/13,17:57:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=118633&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:57:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:57:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:57:28] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:57:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:57:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:57:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:57:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe - no internal name. [10/11/13,17:57:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:29] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:57:29] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsXP-KB958655-v2-x86-ENU.exe [10/11/13,17:57:29] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\WCU\MSI\WindowsXP-KB958655-v2-x86-ENU.exe [10/11/13,17:57:29] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:29] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:57:29] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161053&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:57:29] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsXP-KB958655-v2-x86-ENU.exe [10/11/13,17:57:29] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:29] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:57:29] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161053&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for WCU\MSI\WindowsXP-KB958655-v2-x86-ENU.exe [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161053&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:57:35] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:57:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsXP-KB958655-v2-x86-ENU.exe - internal name = SFXCAB.EXE [10/11/13,17:57:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x86.exe [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x86.exe [10/11/13,17:57:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=119115&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x86.exe [10/11/13,17:57:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:57:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=119115&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x86.exe [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=119115&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:57:45] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:57:45] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x86.exe - no internal name. [10/11/13,17:57:45] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:45] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB958655-v2-x86-ENU.exe [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB958655-v2-x86-ENU.exe [10/11/13,17:57:45] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161054&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB958655-v2-x86-ENU.exe [10/11/13,17:57:45] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:57:45] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161054&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB958655-v2-x86-ENU.exe [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161054&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:57:51] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:57:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB958655-v2-x86-ENU.exe - internal name = SFXCAB.EXE [10/11/13,17:57:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x64.exe [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x64.exe [10/11/13,17:57:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=118636&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x64.exe [10/11/13,17:57:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:57:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=118636&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x64.exe [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=118636&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:58:05] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:58:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x64.exe - no internal name. [10/11/13,17:58:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB958655-v2-x64-ENU.exe [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB958655-v2-x64-ENU.exe [10/11/13,17:58:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161055&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB958655-v2-x64-ENU.exe [10/11/13,17:58:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:58:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161055&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:58:11] BITS_Bitrate: 0xc0 [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB958655-v2-x64-ENU.exe [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161055&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:58:15] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:58:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB958655-v2-x64-ENU.exe - internal name = SFXCAB.EXE [10/11/13,17:58:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\WCU\MSI\Windows6.0-KB958655-v2-x86.msu [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\WCU\MSI\Windows6.0-KB958655-v2-x86.msu [10/11/13,17:58:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161056&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\Windows6.0-KB958655-v2-x86.msu [10/11/13,17:58:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:58:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161056&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for WCU\MSI\Windows6.0-KB958655-v2-x86.msu [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161056&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:58:23] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:58:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\Windows6.0-KB958655-v2-x86.msu - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:58:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\WCU\MSI\Windows6.0-KB958655-v2-x64.msu [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\WCU\MSI\Windows6.0-KB958655-v2-x64.msu [10/11/13,17:58:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161057&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\Windows6.0-KB958655-v2-x64.msu [10/11/13,17:58:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:58:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161057&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for WCU\MSI\Windows6.0-KB958655-v2-x64.msu [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161057&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,17:58:44] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,17:58:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\MSI\Windows6.0-KB958655-v2-x64.msu - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,17:58:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\WCU\SSE\SQLExpr32_x86_enu.exe [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\WCU\SSE\SQLExpr32_x86_enu.exe [10/11/13,17:58:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=153228&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\SSE\SQLExpr32_x86_enu.exe [10/11/13,17:58:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,17:58:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=153228&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,17:59:24] BITS_Bitrate: 0x182 [10/11/13,18:00:22] BITS_Bitrate: 0x1bd [10/11/13,18:01:20] BITS_Bitrate: 0x1c2 [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for WCU\SSE\SQLExpr32_x86_enu.exe [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=153228&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:02:09] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:02:09] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\SSE\SQLExpr32_x86_enu.exe - internal name = SFXCAB.EXE [10/11/13,18:02:09] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:02:09] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\WCU\SSE\SQLExpr_x64_enu.exe [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\WCU\SSE\SQLExpr_x64_enu.exe [10/11/13,18:02:09] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=153229&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\SSE\SQLExpr_x64_enu.exe [10/11/13,18:02:09] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:02:09] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=153229&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:02:29] BITS_Bitrate: 0x191 [10/11/13,18:03:26] BITS_Bitrate: 0x199 [10/11/13,18:04:23] BITS_Bitrate: 0x199 [10/11/13,18:05:21] BITS_Bitrate: 0x196 [10/11/13,18:06:18] BITS_Bitrate: 0x194 [10/11/13,18:06:39] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for WCU\SSE\SQLExpr_x64_enu.exe [10/11/13,18:06:39] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=153229&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:06:40] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:06:40] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\WCU\SSE\SQLExpr_x64_enu.exe - internal name = SFXCAB.EXE [10/11/13,18:06:40] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:06:40] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\vs_setup.msi [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\vs_setup.msi [10/11/13,18:06:40] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165351&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\vs_setup.msi [10/11/13,18:06:40] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:06:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165351&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for vs_setup.msi [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165351&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:07:03] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:07:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\vs_setup.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:07:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab1.cab [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab1.cab [10/11/13,18:07:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165276&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab1.cab [10/11/13,18:07:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:07:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165276&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:07:28] BITS_Bitrate: 0x19c [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab1.cab [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165276&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:07:40] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:07:40] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab1.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:07:40] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:40] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab10.cab [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab10.cab [10/11/13,18:07:40] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165285&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab10.cab [10/11/13,18:07:40] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:07:40] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165285&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab10.cab [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165285&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:07:49] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:07:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab10.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:07:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab11.cab [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab11.cab [10/11/13,18:07:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165286&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab11.cab [10/11/13,18:07:49] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:07:49] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165286&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab11.cab [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165286&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:07:56] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:07:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab11.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:07:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab12.cab [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab12.cab [10/11/13,18:07:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165287&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab12.cab [10/11/13,18:07:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:07:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165287&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab12.cab [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165287&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:08:07] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:08:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab12.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:08:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:08:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab13.cab [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab13.cab [10/11/13,18:08:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165288&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab13.cab [10/11/13,18:08:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:08:07] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165288&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab13.cab [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165288&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:08:18] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:08:18] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab13.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:08:18] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:08:18] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab14.cab [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab14.cab [10/11/13,18:08:18] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165289&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab14.cab [10/11/13,18:08:18] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:08:18] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165289&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:08:39] BITS_Bitrate: 0x2ca [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab14.cab [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165289&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:08:46] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:08:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab14.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:08:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:08:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab15.cab [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab15.cab [10/11/13,18:08:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165290&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab15.cab [10/11/13,18:08:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:08:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165290&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab15.cab [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165290&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:09:23] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:09:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab15.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:09:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:09:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab16.cab [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab16.cab [10/11/13,18:09:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165291&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab16.cab [10/11/13,18:09:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:09:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165291&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:09:37] BITS_Bitrate: 0x195 [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab16.cab [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165291&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:09:50] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:09:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab16.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:09:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:09:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab17.cab [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab17.cab [10/11/13,18:09:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165292&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab17.cab [10/11/13,18:09:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:09:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165292&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab17.cab [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165292&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:10:10] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:10:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab17.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:10:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:10:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab18.cab [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab18.cab [10/11/13,18:10:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165293&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab18.cab [10/11/13,18:10:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:10:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165293&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab18.cab [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165293&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:10:23] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:10:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab18.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:10:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:10:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab19.cab [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab19.cab [10/11/13,18:10:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165294&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab19.cab [10/11/13,18:10:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:10:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165294&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab19.cab [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165294&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:10:34] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:10:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab19.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:10:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:10:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab2.cab [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab2.cab [10/11/13,18:10:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165277&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab2.cab [10/11/13,18:10:34] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:10:34] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165277&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:10:48] BITS_Bitrate: 0x129 [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab2.cab [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165277&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:11:08] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:11:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab2.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:11:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:11:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab20.cab [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab20.cab [10/11/13,18:11:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165295&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab20.cab [10/11/13,18:11:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:11:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165295&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab20.cab [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165295&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:11:38] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:11:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab20.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:11:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:11:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab21.cab [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab21.cab [10/11/13,18:11:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165296&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab21.cab [10/11/13,18:11:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:11:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165296&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:12:02] BITS_Bitrate: 0x102 [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab21.cab [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165296&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:12:17] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:12:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab21.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:12:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:12:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab22.cab [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab22.cab [10/11/13,18:12:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165297&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab22.cab [10/11/13,18:12:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:12:17] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165297&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab22.cab [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165297&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:12:37] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:12:37] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab22.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:12:37] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:12:37] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab23.cab [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab23.cab [10/11/13,18:12:37] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165298&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab23.cab [10/11/13,18:12:37] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:12:37] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165298&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab23.cab [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165298&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:13:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:13:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab23.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:13:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab24.cab [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab24.cab [10/11/13,18:13:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165299&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab24.cab [10/11/13,18:13:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:13:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165299&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab24.cab [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165299&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:13:12] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:13:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab24.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:13:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab25.cab [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab25.cab [10/11/13,18:13:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165300&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab25.cab [10/11/13,18:13:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:13:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165300&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:13:15] BITS_Bitrate: 0x21c [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab25.cab [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165300&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:13:28] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:13:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab25.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:13:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab26.cab [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab26.cab [10/11/13,18:13:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165301&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab26.cab [10/11/13,18:13:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:13:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165301&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab26.cab [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165301&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:13:51] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:13:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab26.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:13:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab27.cab [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab27.cab [10/11/13,18:13:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165302&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab27.cab [10/11/13,18:13:51] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:13:51] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165302&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:14:27] BITS_Bitrate: 0x183 [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab27.cab [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165302&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:14:30] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:14:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab27.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:14:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:14:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab28.cab [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab28.cab [10/11/13,18:14:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165303&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab28.cab [10/11/13,18:14:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:14:30] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165303&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab28.cab [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165303&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:14:35] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:14:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab28.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:14:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:14:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab29.cab [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab29.cab [10/11/13,18:14:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165304&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab29.cab [10/11/13,18:14:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:14:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165304&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab29.cab [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165304&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:15:03] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:15:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab29.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:15:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:15:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab3.cab [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab3.cab [10/11/13,18:15:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165278&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab3.cab [10/11/13,18:15:03] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:15:03] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165278&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:15:28] BITS_Bitrate: 0x133 [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab3.cab [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165278&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:15:36] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:15:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab3.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:15:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:15:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab30.cab [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab30.cab [10/11/13,18:15:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165305&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab30.cab [10/11/13,18:15:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:15:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165305&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab30.cab [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165305&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:15:53] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:15:53] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab30.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:15:53] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:15:53] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab31.cab [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab31.cab [10/11/13,18:15:53] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165306&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab31.cab [10/11/13,18:15:53] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:15:53] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165306&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab31.cab [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165306&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:16:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:16:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab31.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:16:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:16:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab32.cab [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab32.cab [10/11/13,18:16:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165307&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab32.cab [10/11/13,18:16:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:16:20] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165307&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab32.cab [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165307&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:16:26] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:16:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab32.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:16:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:16:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab33.cab [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab33.cab [10/11/13,18:16:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165308&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab33.cab [10/11/13,18:16:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:16:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165308&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:16:40] BITS_Bitrate: 0x17d [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab33.cab [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165308&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:16:54] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:16:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab33.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:16:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:16:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab34.cab [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab34.cab [10/11/13,18:16:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165309&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab34.cab [10/11/13,18:16:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:16:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165309&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab34.cab [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165309&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:17:19] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:17:19] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab34.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:17:19] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:17:19] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab35.cab [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab35.cab [10/11/13,18:17:19] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165310&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab35.cab [10/11/13,18:17:19] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:17:19] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165310&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab35.cab [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165310&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:17:35] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:17:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab35.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:17:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:17:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab36.cab [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab36.cab [10/11/13,18:17:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165311&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab36.cab [10/11/13,18:17:35] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:17:35] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165311&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:17:50] BITS_Bitrate: 0x241 [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab36.cab [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165311&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:17:55] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:17:55] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab36.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:17:55] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:17:55] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab37.cab [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab37.cab [10/11/13,18:17:55] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165312&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab37.cab [10/11/13,18:17:55] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:17:55] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165312&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab37.cab [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165312&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:18:12] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:18:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab37.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:18:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:18:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab38.cab [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab38.cab [10/11/13,18:18:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165313&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab38.cab [10/11/13,18:18:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:18:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165313&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab38.cab [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165313&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:18:54] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:18:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab38.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:18:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:18:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab39.cab [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab39.cab [10/11/13,18:18:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165314&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab39.cab [10/11/13,18:18:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:18:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165314&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:19:04] BITS_Bitrate: 0xa2 [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab39.cab [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165314&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:19:56] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:19:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab39.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:19:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:19:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab4.cab [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab4.cab [10/11/13,18:19:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165279&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab4.cab [10/11/13,18:19:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:19:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165279&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:20:11] BITS_Bitrate: 0x2 [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab4.cab [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165279&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:20:52] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:20:52] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab4.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:20:52] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:20:52] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab40.cab [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab40.cab [10/11/13,18:20:52] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165315&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab40.cab [10/11/13,18:20:52] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:20:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165315&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab40.cab [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165315&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:21:06] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:21:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab40.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:21:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab41.cab [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab41.cab [10/11/13,18:21:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165316&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab41.cab [10/11/13,18:21:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:21:06] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165316&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:21:11] BITS_Bitrate: 0x24d [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab41.cab [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165316&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:21:15] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:21:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab41.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:21:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab42.cab [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab42.cab [10/11/13,18:21:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165317&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab42.cab [10/11/13,18:21:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:21:15] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165317&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab42.cab [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165317&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:21:36] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:21:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab42.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:21:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab43.cab [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab43.cab [10/11/13,18:21:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165318&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab43.cab [10/11/13,18:21:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:21:36] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165318&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab43.cab [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165318&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:21:50] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:21:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab43.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:21:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab44.cab [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab44.cab [10/11/13,18:21:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165319&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab44.cab [10/11/13,18:21:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:21:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165319&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:22:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab44.cab [10/11/13,18:22:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165319&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:22:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:22:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:22:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:22:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:22:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:22:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:22:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab44.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:22:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:22:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:22:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab45.cab [10/11/13,18:22:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab45.cab [10/11/13,18:22:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:22:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:22:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165320&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:22:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab45.cab [10/11/13,18:22:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:22:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:22:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165320&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:22:27] BITS_Bitrate: 0x165 [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab45.cab [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165320&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:22:43] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:22:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab45.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:22:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:22:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab46.cab [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab46.cab [10/11/13,18:22:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165321&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab46.cab [10/11/13,18:22:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:22:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165321&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab46.cab [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165321&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:23:14] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:23:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab46.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:23:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:23:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab47.cab [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab47.cab [10/11/13,18:23:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165322&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab47.cab [10/11/13,18:23:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:23:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165322&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab47.cab [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165322&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:23:42] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:23:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab47.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:23:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:23:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab48.cab [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab48.cab [10/11/13,18:23:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165323&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab48.cab [10/11/13,18:23:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:23:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165323&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:23:45] BITS_Bitrate: 0xbf [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab48.cab [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165323&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:23:50] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:23:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab48.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:23:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:23:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab49.cab [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab49.cab [10/11/13,18:23:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165324&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab49.cab [10/11/13,18:23:50] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:23:50] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165324&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab49.cab [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165324&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:24:14] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:24:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab49.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:24:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:24:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab5.cab [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab5.cab [10/11/13,18:24:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165280&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab5.cab [10/11/13,18:24:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:24:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165280&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:25:03] BITS_Bitrate: 0xa9 [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab5.cab [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165280&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:25:24] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:25:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab5.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:25:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:25:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab50.cab [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab50.cab [10/11/13,18:25:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165325&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab50.cab [10/11/13,18:25:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:25:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165325&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab50.cab [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165325&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:25:47] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:25:47] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab50.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:25:47] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:25:47] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab51.cab [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab51.cab [10/11/13,18:25:47] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165326&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab51.cab [10/11/13,18:25:47] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:25:47] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165326&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:26:12] BITS_Bitrate: 0x1b7 [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab51.cab [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165326&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:26:23] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:26:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab51.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:26:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:26:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab52.cab [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab52.cab [10/11/13,18:26:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165327&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab52.cab [10/11/13,18:26:23] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:26:23] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165327&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab52.cab [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165327&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:26:46] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:26:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab52.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:26:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:26:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab53.cab [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab53.cab [10/11/13,18:26:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165328&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab53.cab [10/11/13,18:26:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:26:46] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165328&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab53.cab [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165328&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:27:08] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:27:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab53.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:27:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:27:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab54.cab [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab54.cab [10/11/13,18:27:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165329&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab54.cab [10/11/13,18:27:08] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:27:08] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165329&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:27:23] BITS_Bitrate: 0x40 [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab54.cab [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165329&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:28:13] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:28:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab54.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:28:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:28:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab55.cab [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab55.cab [10/11/13,18:28:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165330&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab55.cab [10/11/13,18:28:13] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:28:13] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165330&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:28:21] BITS_Bitrate: 0x101 [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab55.cab [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165330&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:28:52] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:28:52] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab55.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:28:52] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:28:52] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab56.cab [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab56.cab [10/11/13,18:28:52] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165331&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab56.cab [10/11/13,18:28:52] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:28:52] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165331&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab56.cab [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165331&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:29:26] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:29:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab56.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:29:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:29:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab57.cab [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab57.cab [10/11/13,18:29:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165332&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab57.cab [10/11/13,18:29:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:29:26] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165332&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:29:35] BITS_Bitrate: 0x2c4 [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab57.cab [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165332&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:29:43] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:29:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab57.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:29:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:29:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab58.cab [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab58.cab [10/11/13,18:29:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165333&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab58.cab [10/11/13,18:29:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:29:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165333&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab58.cab [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165333&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:30:12] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:30:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab58.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:30:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:30:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab59.cab [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab59.cab [10/11/13,18:30:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165334&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab59.cab [10/11/13,18:30:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:30:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165334&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:30:48] BITS_Bitrate: 0x129 [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab59.cab [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165334&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:30:58] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:30:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab59.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:30:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:30:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab6.cab [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab6.cab [10/11/13,18:30:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165281&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab6.cab [10/11/13,18:30:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:30:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165281&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab6.cab [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165281&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:31:27] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:31:27] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab6.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:31:27] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:31:27] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab60.cab [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab60.cab [10/11/13,18:31:27] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165335&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab60.cab [10/11/13,18:31:27] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:31:27] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165335&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:32:04] BITS_Bitrate: 0xbe [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab60.cab [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165335&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:32:32] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:32:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab60.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:32:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:32:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab61.cab [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab61.cab [10/11/13,18:32:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165336&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab61.cab [10/11/13,18:32:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:32:32] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165336&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:33:02] BITS_Bitrate: 0x145 [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab61.cab [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165336&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:33:04] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:33:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab61.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:33:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:33:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab62.cab [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab62.cab [10/11/13,18:33:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165337&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab62.cab [10/11/13,18:33:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:33:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165337&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab62.cab [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165337&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:34:02] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:34:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab62.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:34:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:34:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab63.cab [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab63.cab [10/11/13,18:34:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165338&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab63.cab [10/11/13,18:34:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:34:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165338&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:34:11] BITS_Bitrate: 0x22d [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab63.cab [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165338&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:34:22] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:34:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab63.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:34:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:34:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab64.cab [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab64.cab [10/11/13,18:34:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165339&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab64.cab [10/11/13,18:34:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:34:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165339&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab64.cab [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165339&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:34:48] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:34:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab64.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:34:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:34:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab65.cab [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab65.cab [10/11/13,18:34:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165340&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab65.cab [10/11/13,18:34:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:34:48] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165340&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab65.cab [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165340&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:35:05] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:35:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab65.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:35:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:35:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab66.cab [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab66.cab [10/11/13,18:35:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165341&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab66.cab [10/11/13,18:35:05] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:35:05] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165341&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:35:24] BITS_Bitrate: 0x18b [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab66.cab [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165341&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:35:31] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:35:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab66.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:35:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:35:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab67.cab [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab67.cab [10/11/13,18:35:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165342&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab67.cab [10/11/13,18:35:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:35:31] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165342&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab67.cab [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165342&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:36:10] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:36:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab67.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:36:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:36:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab68.cab [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab68.cab [10/11/13,18:36:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165343&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab68.cab [10/11/13,18:36:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:36:10] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165343&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:36:36] BITS_Bitrate: 0x139 [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab68.cab [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165343&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:36:54] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:36:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab68.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:36:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:36:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab7.cab [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab7.cab [10/11/13,18:36:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165282&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab7.cab [10/11/13,18:36:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:36:54] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165282&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab7.cab [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165282&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:37:22] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:37:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab7.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:37:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:37:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab8.cab [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab8.cab [10/11/13,18:37:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165283&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab8.cab [10/11/13,18:37:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:37:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165283&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:37:36] BITS_Bitrate: 0x5a [10/11/13,18:38:34] BITS_Bitrate: 0x54 [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab8.cab [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165283&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:39:12] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:39:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab8.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:39:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\.\cab9.cab [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\cab9.cab [10/11/13,18:39:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165284&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab9.cab [10/11/13,18:39:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:39:12] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165284&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for cab9.cab [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165284&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\.\cab9.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\msdeploy\WebDeploy_x64_en-US.msi [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\WebDeploy_x64_en-US.msi [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165358&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\msdeploy\WebDeploy_x64_en-US.msi [10/11/13,18:39:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:39:38] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165358&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:39:54] VS70pgui: Failed to increment max steps for small progress. Logging as event not error ... noncritical. [10/11/13,18:39:54] VS70pgui: Failed to increment max steps for small progress. Logging as event not error ... noncritical. [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for WebDeploy_x64_en-US.msi [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165358&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\msdeploy\WebDeploy_x64_en-US.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:54] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\aspnetmvc\VS2010ToolsMVC2.msi [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\VS2010ToolsMVC2.msi [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165069&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\aspnetmvc\VS2010ToolsMVC2.msi [10/11/13,18:39:54] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:39:54] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165069&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for VS2010ToolsMVC2.msi [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165069&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\aspnetmvc\VS2010ToolsMVC2.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:04] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\aspnetmvc\AspNetMVC2.msi [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\AspNetMVC2.msi [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165068&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\aspnetmvc\AspNetMVC2.msi [10/11/13,18:40:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:40:04] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165068&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for AspNetMVC2.msi [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165068&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\aspnetmvc\AspNetMVC2.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:11] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\silverlight\silverlight_sdk.msi [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\silverlight_sdk.msi [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165096&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\silverlight\silverlight_sdk.msi [10/11/13,18:40:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:40:11] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165096&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for silverlight_sdk.msi [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165096&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:40:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:40:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\silverlight\silverlight_sdk.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:40:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\silverlight\silverlight_sdk.cab [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\silverlight_sdk.cab [10/11/13,18:40:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165095&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\silverlight\silverlight_sdk.cab [10/11/13,18:40:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:40:16] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165095&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for silverlight_sdk.cab [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165095&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\silverlight\silverlight_sdk.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:42] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\vsto\vstor40_x64.exe [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\vstor40_x64.exe [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165091&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vsto\vstor40_x64.exe [10/11/13,18:40:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:40:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165091&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for vstor40_x64.exe [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165091&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vsto\vstor40_x64.exe - internal name = vstor40_x64.exe [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:41:04] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\vsto\vstodt40_x64.msi [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\vstodt40_x64.msi [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165082&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vsto\vstodt40_x64.msi [10/11/13,18:41:04] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:41:04] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165082&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for vstodt40_x64.msi [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165082&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:41:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:41:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vsto\vstodt40_x64.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:41:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:41:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\vsto\vstodt40_x64.cab [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\vstodt40_x64.cab [10/11/13,18:41:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165081&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vsto\vstodt40_x64.cab [10/11/13,18:41:10] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:41:10] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165081&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:42:02] BITS_Bitrate: 0x1ad [10/11/13,18:42:07] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for vstodt40_x64.cab [10/11/13,18:42:07] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165081&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:42:07] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:42:07] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:07] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:42:07] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:42:07] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:42:07] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vsto\vstodt40_x64.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:07] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:42:07] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\dotfuscator\DotfuscatorCE.msi [10/11/13,18:42:07] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\DotfuscatorCE.msi [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:07] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:42:07] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165075&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:42:07] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\dotfuscator\DotfuscatorCE.msi [10/11/13,18:42:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:07] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:42:07] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165075&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:42:32] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\dotfuscator\DotfuscatorCE.msi - Signature verification for file DotfuscatorCE.msi (C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\dotfuscator\DotfuscatorCE.msi) failed with error 0x80090327 (Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden tijdens het verwerken van het certificaat.) [10/11/13,18:42:32] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: Signature verification failed. Trying to verify hash DotfuscatorCE.msi... [10/11/13,18:42:32] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: Hash verification succeeded for DotfuscatorCE.msi [10/11/13,18:42:32] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165075&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:42:32] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:42:32] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:32] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:42:32] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:42:32] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:42:32] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\dotfuscator\DotfuscatorCE.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:32] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:42:32] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\crystal reports\CrystalReportsTemplates.msi [10/11/13,18:42:32] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\CrystalReportsTemplates.msi [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:32] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:42:32] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165071&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:42:32] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\crystal reports\CrystalReportsTemplates.msi [10/11/13,18:42:32] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:32] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:42:32] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165071&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:42:36] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\crystal reports\CrystalReportsTemplates.msi - Signature verification for file CrystalReportsTemplates.msi (C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\crystal reports\CrystalReportsTemplates.msi) failed with error 0x80090327 (Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden tijdens het verwerken van het certificaat.) [10/11/13,18:42:36] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: Signature verification failed. Trying to verify hash CrystalReportsTemplates.msi... [10/11/13,18:42:36] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: Hash verification succeeded for CrystalReportsTemplates.msi [10/11/13,18:42:36] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165071&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:42:36] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:42:36] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:36] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:42:36] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:42:36] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:42:36] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\crystal reports\CrystalReportsTemplates.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:36] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:42:36] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\ssce\SSCERuntime_x86-enu.msi [10/11/13,18:42:36] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SSCERuntime_x86-enu.msi [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:36] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:42:36] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165098&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:42:36] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\ssce\SSCERuntime_x86-enu.msi [10/11/13,18:42:36] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:36] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:42:36] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165098&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SSCERuntime_x86-enu.msi [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165098&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\ssce\SSCERuntime_x86-enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:46] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\ssce\SSCERuntime_x64-enu.msi [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SSCERuntime_x64-enu.msi [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=150980&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\ssce\SSCERuntime_x64-enu.msi [10/11/13,18:42:46] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:42:46] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=150980&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:42:58] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SSCERuntime_x64-enu.msi [10/11/13,18:42:58] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=150980&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:42:58] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:42:58] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:58] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:42:58] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:42:58] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:42:58] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\ssce\SSCERuntime_x64-enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:58] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:42:58] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\ssce\SSCEVSTools-enu.msi [10/11/13,18:42:58] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SSCEVSTools-enu.msi [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:58] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:42:58] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165099&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:42:58] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\ssce\SSCEVSTools-enu.msi [10/11/13,18:42:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:42:58] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:42:58] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165099&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:43:16] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SSCEVSTools-enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:16] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165099&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:43:16] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:43:16] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:16] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:43:16] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:43:16] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:43:16] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\ssce\SSCEVSTools-enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:16] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:43:16] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\synchronization\Synchronization_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:16] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\Synchronization_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:16] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:43:16] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=184310&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:43:16] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\synchronization\Synchronization_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:16] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:43:16] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=184310&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for Synchronization_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=184310&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\synchronization\Synchronization_amd64_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:22] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\synchronization\SyncServicesADO_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SyncServicesADO_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=184312&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\synchronization\SyncServicesADO_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:43:22] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=184312&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SyncServicesADO_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=184312&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\synchronization\SyncServicesADO_amd64_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:39] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\synchronization\ProviderServices_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\ProviderServices_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=184314&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\synchronization\ProviderServices_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:39] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:43:39] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=184314&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for ProviderServices_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=184314&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\synchronization\ProviderServices_amd64_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:48] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\synchronization\SyncSDK_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SyncSDK_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=184316&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\synchronization\SyncSDK_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:43:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:43:48] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=184316&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:44:16] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SyncSDK_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:44:16] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=184316&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:44:16] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:44:16] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:16] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:44:16] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:44:16] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:44:16] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\synchronization\SyncSDK_amd64_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:16] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:44:16] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\vcdesigntime\x64\vc_designtime_x64.msi [10/11/13,18:44:16] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\vc_designtime_x64.msi [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:16] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:44:16] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165107&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:44:16] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vcdesigntime\x64\vc_designtime_x64.msi [10/11/13,18:44:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:16] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:44:16] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165107&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for vc_designtime_x64.msi [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165107&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:44:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:44:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vcdesigntime\x64\vc_designtime_x64.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:44:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\vcdesigntime\x64\vc_designtime_x64.cab [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\vc_designtime_x64.cab [10/11/13,18:44:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165106&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vcdesigntime\x64\vc_designtime_x64.cab [10/11/13,18:44:20] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:44:20] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165106&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:44:24] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for vc_designtime_x64.cab [10/11/13,18:44:24] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165106&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:44:24] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:44:24] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:24] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:44:24] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:44:24] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:44:24] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\vcdesigntime\x64\vc_designtime_x64.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:24] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:44:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\profiler\PerformanceCollectionTools_x64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:44:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\PerformanceCollectionTools_x64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:44:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165125&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:44:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\profiler\PerformanceCollectionTools_x64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:44:24] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:44:24] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165125&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for PerformanceCollectionTools_x64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165125&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:44:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:44:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\profiler\PerformanceCollectionTools_x64_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:44:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\profiler\PerformanceCollectionTools_x64_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\PerformanceCollectionTools_x64_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:44:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165124&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\profiler\PerformanceCollectionTools_x64_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:44:28] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:44:28] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165124&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for PerformanceCollectionTools_x64_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165124&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\profiler\PerformanceCollectionTools_x64_enu.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:42] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\tracedebugger\TraceDebugger_NativeBits_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\TraceDebugger_NativeBits_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165357&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\tracedebugger\TraceDebugger_NativeBits_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:44:42] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:44:42] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165357&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for TraceDebugger_NativeBits_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165357&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:44:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:44:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\tracedebugger\TraceDebugger_NativeBits_amd64_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:44:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\tracedebugger\TraceDebugger_NativeBits_amd64_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\TraceDebugger_NativeBits_amd64_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:44:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165356&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\tracedebugger\TraceDebugger_NativeBits_amd64_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:44:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:44:58] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165356&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for TraceDebugger_NativeBits_amd64_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165356&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\tracedebugger\TraceDebugger_NativeBits_amd64_enu.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:02] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\sqlpub\SqlPubWiz.msi [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SqlPubWiz.msi [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165097&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\sqlpub\SqlPubWiz.msi [10/11/13,18:45:02] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:45:02] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165097&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SqlPubWiz.msi [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165097&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\sqlpub\SqlPubWiz.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:15] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\smo\SQLSysClrTypes_x86_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SQLSysClrTypes_x86_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165101&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\smo\SQLSysClrTypes_x86_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:45:15] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:45:15] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165101&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SQLSysClrTypes_x86_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165101&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\smo\SQLSysClrTypes_x86_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:26] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\smo\SQLSysClrTypes_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SQLSysClrTypes_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=150975&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\smo\SQLSysClrTypes_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:45:26] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:45:26] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=150975&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:45:38] VS70pgui: Failed to increment max steps for small progress. Logging as event not error ... noncritical. [10/11/13,18:45:38] VS70pgui: Failed to increment max steps for small progress. Logging as event not error ... noncritical. [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SQLSysClrTypes_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=150975&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\smo\SQLSysClrTypes_amd64_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:38] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\smo\SharedManagementObjects_x86_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SharedManagementObjects_x86_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165100&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\smo\SharedManagementObjects_x86_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:45:38] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:45:38] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165100&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SharedManagementObjects_x86_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165100&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\smo\SharedManagementObjects_x86_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:06] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\smo\SharedManagementObjects_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SharedManagementObjects_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=150973&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\smo\SharedManagementObjects_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:46:06] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:46:06] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=150973&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:46:59] VS70pgui: Failed to increment max steps for small progress. Logging as event not error ... noncritical. [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SharedManagementObjects_amd64_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=150973&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\smo\SharedManagementObjects_amd64_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:59] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\sse\SQLExpr_x64_enu.exe [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SQLExpr_x64_enu.exe [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=153229&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\sse\SQLExpr_x64_enu.exe [10/11/13,18:46:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:46:59] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SQLExpr_x64_enu.exe [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\sse\SQLExpr_x64_enu.exe - internal name = SFXCAB.EXE [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:00] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\dac\DACFramework_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\DACFramework_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165072&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\dac\DACFramework_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:47:00] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165072&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:47:07] VS70pgui: Failed to increment max steps for small progress. Logging as event not error ... noncritical. [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for DACFramework_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165072&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\dac\DACFramework_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:07] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\dac\DACProjectSystemSetup_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\DACProjectSystemSetup_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165073&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\dac\DACProjectSystemSetup_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:07] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:47:07] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165073&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for DACProjectSystemSetup_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165073&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\dac\DACProjectSystemSetup_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:22] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\dac\TSqlLanguageService_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\TSqlLanguageService_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165074&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\dac\TSqlLanguageService_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:22] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:47:22] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165074&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for TSqlLanguageService_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165074&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\dac\TSqlLanguageService_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:43] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\sptools\SpTools_x86_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SpTools_x86_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165266&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\sptools\SpTools_x86_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:43] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:47:43] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165266&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SpTools_x86_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165266&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:47:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:47:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\sptools\SpTools_x86_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:47:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\sptools\SpTools_x86_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\SpTools_x86_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:47:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165265&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\sptools\SpTools_x86_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:47:48] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:47:48] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165265&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for SpTools_x86_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165265&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\sptools\SpTools_x86_enu.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:56] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\eftools\ADONetEntityFrameworkTools_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\ADONetEntityFrameworkTools_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165080&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\eftools\ADONetEntityFrameworkTools_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:47:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:47:56] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165080&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for ADONetEntityFrameworkTools_enu.msi [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165080&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:48:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:48:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\eftools\ADONetEntityFrameworkTools_enu.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:48:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\eftools\ADONetEntityFrameworkTools_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\ADONetEntityFrameworkTools_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:48:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165079&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\eftools\ADONetEntityFrameworkTools_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:48:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:48:00] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165079&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for ADONetEntityFrameworkTools_enu.cab [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165079&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\eftools\ADONetEntityFrameworkTools_enu.cab - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:11] vs70uimgr: Entering ShowSmallProgress() method. [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\wcu\help\HelpSetup_x64.exe [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: Cannot access file: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup\..\HelpSetup_x64.exe [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=163735&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\help\HelpSetup_x64.exe [10/11/13,18:48:11] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:48:11] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: dlmgr: Starting download attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=163735&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for HelpSetup_x64.exe [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: dlmgr: Download succeeded at attempt 1 of 3 for http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=163735&clcid=0x409 using BITS [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: DownloadMgrHRESULT - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: Download Protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\help\HelpSetup_x64.exe - internal name = HelpSetup_x64.exe [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_PREINSTALL) completed [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_INSTALL) starting [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdatePause() Pausing Automatic Updates... [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdatePause() succeeded. [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProperty() [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: CMsiComponent::Install(): Validating files. [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Looking for InstallPackage at dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Looking for InstallPackage at C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP07834.tmp\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Looking for InstallPackage at C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Found C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A17A8E79-CB1C-49DB-B92E-34ADBFCDA36B} - PropertyName: Patch List - Value: [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Command Line before token replacement. [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: APPGUID={6A86554B-8928-30E4-A53C-D7337689134D} REBOOT=ReallySuppress [10/11/13,18:48:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BD495746-4FBA-49F3-8EEB-D8B20EE75235} - PropertyName: Disable Rollback - Value: [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: MSIComponent Action: Installing MSI C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi with command-line: APPGUID={6A86554B-8928-30E4-A53C-D7337689134D} REBOOT=ReallySuppress [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: (MsiRetryHelper) calling EnableMsiLog() function now. [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Enabling MSI log file: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_dw20shared_x86_msi7834.txt [10/11/13,18:48:17] BWaitForMSI(): Verifying we're the only installation currently in progress. [10/11/13,18:48:17] BWaitForMSI(): Ready to proceed with installation. Continuing... [10/11/13,18:48:17] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: (MsiRetryHelper) calling MsiInstallProduct() now. [10/11/13,18:48:29] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: MSI Record result detail: An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC80.CRT,version="8.0.50727.42",type="win32",processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b"'. Please refer to Help and Support for more information. [10/11/13,18:48:29] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: MSI Record result detail error code: 1935 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Action returned 1603/1935 - Retry counters: [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1618: 0/100 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603: 1/0 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1303: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1306: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1308: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1309: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1310: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1311: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1329: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1330: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1335: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1406: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1706: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1719: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/25543: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Will not retry. [10/11/13,18:48:30] InstallReturnValue: GFN_MID Microsoft Application Error Reporting, 0x643 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {B7D05DBA-FC13-4B6C-B30E-28967A0FFF4E} - PropertyName: Reboot Count - Value: [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Reboot Counter = [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: This component has not yet requested a reboot prior to installation. [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Component Microsoft Application Error Reporting can't install until a reboot occurs. [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {2B7DE335-914B-476F-AF77-E9EF03938188} - PropertyName: Component Number - Value: 4 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {2B7DE335-914B-476F-AF77-E9EF03938188} - PropertyName: Component Number - Value: 4 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {C30D2581-4604-47C2-BC48-412BDDA3AF16} - PropertyName: No Restart - Value: [10/11/13,18:48:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Reboot required [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {D6B8FD61-6E36-489E-A9EF-A04CC202C14F} - PropertyName: Queued Deferred Reboot - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {D6B8FD61-6E36-489E-A9EF-A04CC202C14F} - PropertyName: Queued Deferred Reboot - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: CheckAllowComponentReboot() for Microsoft Application Error Reporting [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdatePause() Pausing Automatic Updates... [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdatePause() succeeded. [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: CheckAllowComponentReboot() for {B4D54314-8ADD-43CF-83FB-A1B701D00397} [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_INSTALL) completed [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunSharedInstall starting [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunSharedInstall completed [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_POSTINSTALL) starting [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_POSTINSTALL) completed [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: last session tickcount: 0 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: current total tickcount: 3474517 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: reboot count: 0 [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: (reboot for next time): 1 [10/11/13,18:48:30] vs70uimgr: Entering PromptForReboot() method. [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BFB96358-FF72-4E05-B292-438E08A4E391} - PropertyName: Baseline Product Name - Value: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:48:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {C30D2581-4604-47C2-BC48-412BDDA3AF16} - PropertyName: No Restart - Value: [10/11/13,18:48:30] Reboot: [10/11/13,18:50:29] Restart_Now: [10/11/13,18:50:29] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:50:29] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Destroying Window() [10/11/13,18:50:29] vs70uimgr: Entering OnDestroy() Method. [10/11/13,18:50:29] VS70pgui: Destroying the Start Page [10/11/13,18:50:29] VS70pgui: Entered TermGDIResources method [10/11/13,18:50:29] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::OnDestroy method [10/11/13,18:50:29] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::TermGDIResources method [10/11/13,18:50:29] VS70pgui: Entered CPageHeaderDynamic::OnShowWindow method [10/11/13,18:50:29] VS70pgui: Entered CPageHeaderDynamic::OnDestroy method [10/11/13,18:50:29] VS70pgui: Locating Help Library Manager... [10/11/13,18:50:29] VS70pgui: Unable to find HelpLibraryManager.exe [10/11/13,18:50:29] VS70pgui: CFinishPage::UpdateFinal(): Could not find the Help Library Manager installed as expected! [10/11/13,18:50:29] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {CCA4E4A8-A78B-4088-AF1E-7BE468F9B996} - PropertyName: InstalledFrom - Value: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup [10/11/13,18:50:29] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {075AE8D8-F0C1-42B1-AECE-764E2A428F40} - PropertyName: CPU Type - Value: AMD64 [10/11/13,18:50:29] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:30] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::OnDestroy(): Launching the calling application [10/11/13,18:50:30] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::LaunchCallingApp() [10/11/13,18:50:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47EAF7DE-458C-4C05-B3E1-82B9C563679B} - PropertyName: Reboot at end of setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:50:30] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::OnDestroy(): Finished launching the calling application [10/11/13,18:50:30] vs70uimgr: Entering Exit() method. [10/11/13,18:50:30] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Exit(): Setting Main Thread Event: E_ME_FINISH [10/11/13,18:50:30] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Exit(): Finished setting Main Thread Event: E_ME_FINISH [10/11/13,18:50:30] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished destroying Window() [10/11/13,18:50:30] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Exiting UI Try block. [10/11/13,18:50:30] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Exiting UI Thread [10/11/13,18:50:30] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting Main thread event: E_ME_FINISH [10/11/13,18:50:30] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting Main thread event: E_ME_FINISH [10/11/13,18:50:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:50:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {C30D2581-4604-47C2-BC48-412BDDA3AF16} - PropertyName: No Restart - Value: [10/11/13,18:50:30] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::PersistTheData() outputting information to [C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\sit41206REBOOT.INI] [10/11/13,18:50:30] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::PersistComponentData() starting [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::PersistComponentData() completing [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: SetReboot() [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: UnloadSuiteComponents() [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BD65CC98-A10A-478F-BD96-248DC54ADB11} - PropertyName: Using MSI fwlinks - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1B3F6DC3-205F-11D3-A824-00C04FB1799F} - PropertyName: Reboot Required - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47504B8E-9549-49A1-96BF-4BD12C987081} - PropertyName: Reboot at Setup End - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {383F0141-C682-4665-A69B-756E719C968D} - PropertyName: Process Return Code - Value: 3010 [10/11/13,18:50:31] Setup.exe: SETUP EXIT CODE - 3010 [10/11/13,18:50:31] End_Session: [10/11/13,18:53:12] Setup.exe: [10/11/13,18:53:12] Setup.exe: ========== Logging started ========== [10/11/13,18:53:12] Setup.exe: ===================================== [10/11/13,18:53:12] Setup.exe: Command line: "C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\setup.exe" /UnattendFile "C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\sit41206REBOOT.INI" /RebootFlag /web /CreatedTemp /NoExclude /InstalledFrom c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup /NoExclude [10/11/13,18:53:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {481CEF9F-033A-11D3-ACE2-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Disable Error Logging - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:53:12] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::LoadSetupLog() completed [10/11/13,18:53:12] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadManagers [10/11/13,18:53:12] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:53:12] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadDependencyMgr() [10/11/13,18:53:12] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadCDInfoMgr() [10/11/13,18:53:13] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadDiskInfoMgr() [10/11/13,18:53:13] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadUIManager() [10/11/13,18:53:18] vs70uimgr: Entering InitializeModule() method. [10/11/13,18:53:19] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:53:19] Setup.exe: LoadPersistantData() [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:20] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:53:22] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadDatabaseValues [10/11/13,18:53:22] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:53:34] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Vista: WindowsFeatureName property is not present. CCBSComponent::SetManager() [10/11/13,18:53:34] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64) - Vista: WindowsFeatureName property is not present. CCBSComponent::SetManager() [10/11/13,18:53:43] MSITOSIT: Attempting to pre-load file: C:\Windows\system32\msimsg.dll [10/11/13,18:53:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:53:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {AA62DF98-3F2C-11D3-887B-00C04F8ECDD6} - PropertyName: Maintenance Mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:53:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:53:44] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {E0875D42-A33D-4C64-81C9-167795F29CA4} - PropertyName: PathFromCartmanToRoot - Value: .. [10/11/13,18:53:44] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:54:14] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:54:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {F7C3A876-6A4A-4624-9803-CE3216659633} - PropertyName: transaction maintenance mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:54:22] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Starting dynamic costing Sequence [10/11/13,18:54:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Starting pre CostFinalize CA Sequence [10/11/13,18:54:22] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Ending pre CostFinalize CA Sequence [10/11/13,18:54:22] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:39] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:39] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Starting post CostFinalize dynamic Sequence [10/11/13,18:54:39] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Ending post CostFinalize Sequence [10/11/13,18:54:39] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:40] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:40] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:54:40] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:40] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual Basic [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual Basic PowerPacks [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: InstallShieldTemplates [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual C++ [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Core_X86 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Extended_X86 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Core [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Extended [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Itanium Compilers and Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Core_I64 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Extended_I64 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: X64 Compilers and Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Core_X64 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_Libraries_Extended_X64 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual C# [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual F# [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: F# Redist Bootstrapper Package for .NET 4.0 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: F# Redist Bootstrapper Package for .NET 2.0 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual Web Developer [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Office Developer Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Team Developer and Tester Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Performance Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Visual Studio IntelliTrace [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Code Analysis Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Testing Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: VsttLite Specific [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Graphics Library [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Team Explorer [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_VARS_X86_VS [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: FT_VC_VARS_X86 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Microsoft Visual Studio for Applications 2008 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Remote Debugging [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Microsoft Visual Studio Team Developer Package [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio Dev10 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Vista Client Common Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Win32 Development Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows Headers and Libraries [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows Headers [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows Libraries for x86 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows Libraries for AMD64 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows Libraries for IA64 [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: WinSDKIntellisenseRefAssys [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: WinSDKIntellisense [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: WinSDKRefAssys [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows SDK .Net 4.0 Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Windows SDK .Net 3.5 Tools [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: WinSDK Common Registry [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: WinSDK Package Registry [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: ProductRegKeyVSTS [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: ARP_REG_KEYS_HIDDEN [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: SQL EULAs [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Product ID [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Servicing [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: Begining CSubComponent creation for: Detection [eCurrentState = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT eDesiredState = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL] [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0969412C-7281-11D2-AF01-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Suite Directory - Value: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A5F918AC-5E66-11D2-ACCA-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: User Name - Value: Bart [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A5F918AD-5E66-11D2-ACCA-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Organization - Value: [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A5F918AF-5E66-11D2-ACCA-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: PID30 - Value: YR3W8FCM2B7BKF9HMQFTCH7WK [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {35F8C11E-5142-40BD-9A0C-26D3FFD629E5} - PropertyName: ProductId - Value: 01019-315-4422961-70273 [10/11/13,18:54:41] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU: MsiInstallProduct initiated with command line: VSEXTUI="1" SETUPWINDOW="0" PIDKEY="YR3W8FCM2B7BKF9HMQFTCH7WK" INSTALLLEVEL="2" USERNAME="Bart" REBOOT="ReallySuppress" ProductID="01019-315-4422961-70273" ALLUSERS="1" REINSTALLMODE="" [10/11/13,18:54:41] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:42] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:42] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] A higher version of Visual Studio is already installed: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] A higher version of Visual Studio is already installed: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] IA64 blocker: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] IA64 blocker: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows XP Service Pack 3 is required: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows XP Service Pack 3 is required: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows XP x64 Service Pack 2 is required: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows XP x64 Service Pack 2 is required: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Update Information: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Update Information: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows Imaging Component is required: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows Imaging Component is required: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows Imaging Component (64-bit) is required: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows Imaging Component (64-bit) is required: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 2 Update Information: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 2 Update Information: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows Installer 3.1 or higher is required.: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Windows Installer 3.1 or higher is required.: IeReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] VC 9.0 Runtime (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] VC 9.0 Runtime (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] VC 10.0 Runtime (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] VC 10.0 Runtime (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] VC 10.0 Runtime (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft .NET Framework 4: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft .NET Framework 4: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Windows XP: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Windows XP: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x86) - Windows XP: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x86) - Windows XP: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Windows 2003: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Windows 2003: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x86) - Windows 2003: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x86) - Windows 2003: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Vista: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Vista: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64) - Vista: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64) - Vista: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] TFS Object Model (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] TFS Object Model (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] TFS Object Model (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] TFS Object Model (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Silverlight: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Silverlight: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK Prerequisite: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK Prerequisite: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:43] Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:43] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x86) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x86) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x86) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x86) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x86) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x86) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x86) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x86) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] VC 10.0 Designtime (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x86): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x86): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64): NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x86) Upgrade: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x86) Upgrade: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64) Upgrade: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64) Upgrade: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x86: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x86: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: Return type: [10/11/13,18:54:44] Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64: NetRtReturnCheck [10/11/13,18:54:44] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : CheckForRemove [10/11/13,18:54:44] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:44] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadScenarioFactory [10/11/13,18:54:44] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:44] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::LoadScenarioFactory() [10/11/13,18:54:45] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::LoadSetupObject((): Loading vsscenario.dll [10/11/13,18:54:54] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:54:54] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:54:54] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:54:54] VS Scenario: Entering CVSScenario::EnableScriptsInHtml [10/11/13,18:54:54] VS Scenario: CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled succeed [10/11/13,18:54:54] Watson UX Data Logging started: [10/11/13,18:54:54] ==============================: [10/11/13,18:54:54] UserID: {F859FE81-9923-4125-B340-C01D3DE4C4CD} [10/11/13,18:54:54] SessionID: {97721963-C38D-4324-9AAF-FBFE873446AC} [10/11/13,18:54:54] ProductCode: {BC0464FA-A0BA-3E38-85BF-DC5B3A401F48} [10/11/13,18:54:54] ProductVersion: 10.0.30319.01 [10/11/13,18:54:56] ProductLang: 0x409 [10/11/13,18:54:56] Begin_Session: [10/11/13,18:54:56] VS Scenario: Pending Reboot Table state : Logging start [10/11/13,18:54:56] VS Scenario: _________________________________________ [10/11/13,18:54:56] VS Scenario: There are no queued up pending reboot entries. [10/11/13,18:54:56] SysInfo: amd64x8, 6.1.7601, Service Pack 1, 0x413 [10/11/13,18:54:56] HWInfo: GenuineIntel, 0x893, 0x1fed, 0x1 [10/11/13,18:54:56] AppsRunning: [10/11/13,18:54:56] IsInternal: 0x0 [10/11/13,18:54:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {27B34574-6B5B-409F-9F93-D1E927B39E9C} - PropertyName: adminmode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:54:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:54:56] WebInstall: 0x1 [10/11/13,18:54:56] BITS_Version: 7.5.7601.17514 [10/11/13,18:54:56] ConnectionType: INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN [10/11/13,18:54:56] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:54:56] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:54:56] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : LoadSetupLocationInformation [10/11/13,18:54:56] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:56] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:56] Setup.exe: LoadPersistantData() [10/11/13,18:54:56] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::LoadPersistantComponentData() starting [10/11/13,18:54:58] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::LoadPersistantComponentData() completing [10/11/13,18:54:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: DF8FF64A-1967-4871-9E32-CA2F819BAB81 - PropertyName: HWNDForLoadingDialog - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:54:58] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : SelectAllComponents [10/11/13,18:54:58] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:58] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:58] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:54:58] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : InitializeUIManager [10/11/13,18:54:58] Setup.exe: inside ISetupManager::InitializeUIManager() [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: Entering Start() method. [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Setting the Default INI. [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished setting the Default INI. [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Getting the Install Mode. [10/11/13,18:54:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {340F7930-0E41-11D3-ACE2-00C04F8EEBA1} - PropertyName: Output Unattend File - Value: [10/11/13,18:54:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {F7C3A876-6A4A-4624-9803-CE3216659633} - PropertyName: transaction maintenance mode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished getting the Install Mode : 1 [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Getting the Reboot Mode. [10/11/13,18:54:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BCC78D7A-89AE-11D2-AF03-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Post Reboot State - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished getting the Reboot Mode : 1 [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Getting the Admin Mode. [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: Entering GetAdminMode. [10/11/13,18:54:58] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {27B34574-6B5B-409F-9F93-D1E927B39E9C} - PropertyName: adminmode - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::GetAdminMode m_AdminMode = AM_NOMODE [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished getting the Admin Mode : 0 [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Loading Pages [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: Entering LoagPages() method. [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::LoadPages(): Parsing SDB and Loading pages [10/11/13,18:54:58] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: vs70pgui.dll : {bb81d810-3f9b-11d3-a50c-00c04f5e0ba5} [10/11/13,18:55:08] VS70pgui: Entered InitializeModule Method of Start Page [10/11/13,18:55:11] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: vs70pgui.dll : {9fe307c0-3646-11d3-a508-00c04f5e0ba5} [10/11/13,18:55:12] VS70pgui: Entered InitializeModule Method of Start Page [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: vs70pgui.dll : {bb81d811-3f9b-11d3-a50c-00c04f5e0ba5} [10/11/13,18:55:12] VS70pgui: CInstallPage::InitializeModule [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: Entering AddPageToList() method. Loading: vs70pgui.dll : {1920cc5d-5be5-45d4-9c1c-3513d334c71c} [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::LoadPages(): Adding Global Property: CustomCoreProp_AutoLoginAvailable [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::LoadPages(): Finished adding Global Property: CustomCoreProp_AutoLoginAvailable [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Finished loading Pages [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Start(): Creating Main Thread Events [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : CheckBaselines [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: Entering ThreadUI() method. [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: MoveLoadProgress() [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMGr::SetWindowTitle(): Getting Property Value for: VS Custom;ProdDesc [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() : StartUIManager [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMGr::SetWindowTitle(): Finished getting Property Value for: VS Custom;ProdDesc [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunIntro() complete [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunLoadSetup() complete [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstall() [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallLists() starting [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallLists() - Preparing to Install Setup files... [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::InstallSetupFiles() starting [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::InstallSetupFiles() returning, running in ServicePackMode [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallLists() - Finished installing Setup files [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallLists() - Displaying ProgressScreen... [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: Entering DisplayProgressScreen() method. [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallLists() - Finished displaying ProgressScreen [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_PREINSTALL) starting... [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: Failed to find ISmallProgress interface on page. Not treating as error. [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::RunningComponent(): Reseting events [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: CCoreEngine-Proc() - Finished Main Message Loop [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::RunningComponent(): Finished Reseting events [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the main window [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished creating the main window [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Initializing the Pages [10/11/13,18:55:12] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {9EEA4DFB-733A-4349-B43E-F564351AC503} - PropertyName: Passive Mode - Value: [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Processing Page #1 [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the parent. [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the parent. [10/11/13,18:55:12] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the page. [10/11/13,18:55:12] VS70pgui: Creating Start Page [10/11/13,18:55:12] VS70pgui: Initializing the Start Page dialog [10/11/13,18:55:12] VS70pgui: Entered InitGDIResources method [10/11/13,18:55:14] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:55:14] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:55:14] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {CE6EA7C5-0F0C-4D91-B597-092B82E2128B} - PropertyName: alreadyinstalled - Value: \A higher version of Visual Studio is already installed\VC 9.0 Runtime (x86)\VC 10.0 Runtime (x86)\Microsoft .NET Framework 4\.NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack\Microsoft Silverlight\Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK Prerequisite [10/11/13,18:55:14] VS70pgui: Entered InitStaticControls method [10/11/13,18:55:14] VS70pgui: Entered InitStaticToolTips method [10/11/13,18:55:14] VS70pgui: Entered OnClickedAccept method [10/11/13,18:55:14] EULA_Accept: 0x0 [10/11/13,18:55:14] VS70pgui: Created the Start Page [10/11/13,18:55:14] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished creating the page. [10/11/13,18:55:14] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Getting the Header. [10/11/13,18:55:14] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Getting the Header. [10/11/13,18:55:14] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,18:55:14] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,18:55:14] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the Header [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Creating the Header [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the position [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the position [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting visibility of header [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting visibility of header [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page position [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page position [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page visibility [10/11/13,18:55:16] VS70pgui: Entered OnShowWindow method [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page visibility [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Processing Page #2 [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the parent. [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the parent. [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the page. [10/11/13,18:55:16] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::OnInitDialog method [10/11/13,18:55:16] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BCC78D7A-89AE-11D2-AF03-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Post Reboot State - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished creating the page. [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Getting the Header. [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Getting the Header. [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the Header [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Creating the Header [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the position [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the position [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting visibility of header [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting visibility of header [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page position [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page position [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page visibility [10/11/13,18:55:16] VS70pgui: Entered COptionsPage::OnShowWindow method [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page visibility [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Processing Page #3 [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the parent. [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the parent. [10/11/13,18:55:16] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the page. [10/11/13,18:55:17] VS70pgui: CInstallPage::InitBrowser(): Initializing Browser... [10/11/13,18:55:17] VS70pgui: CInstallPage::InitBrowser(): Finished initializing Browser [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: in RegisterSetupService() [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: in RegisterSetupService() [10/11/13,18:55:17] VS70pgui: Entered CPageHeaderDynamic::SetCallingPageBrowser method [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished creating the page. [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Getting the Header. [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Getting the Header. [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the Header [10/11/13,18:55:17] VS70pgui: Entered CPageHeaderDynamic::OnInitDialog method [10/11/13,18:55:17] VS70pgui: m_bShowDefaultDisplay : Could not find: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\setup_animation1.htm [10/11/13,18:55:17] VS70pgui: m_bShowDefaultDisplay = TRUE! : m_BrandAdList.empty() is true! [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Creating the Header [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the position [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the position [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting visibility of header [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting visibility of header [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page position [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page position [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page visibility [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page visibility [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Processing Page #4 [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the parent. [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the parent. [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the page. [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished creating the page. [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Getting the Header. [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Getting the Header. [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the Header Parent [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Creating the Header [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished Creating the Header [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the position [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting the position [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting visibility of header [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting visibility of header [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page position [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page position [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting page visibility [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting page visibility [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::Thread(): Finished Initializing the pages [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting Current Page visibility [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BCC78D7A-89AE-11D2-AF03-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Post Reboot State - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Finished setting Current Page visibility [10/11/13,18:55:17] VS70pgui: Entered CPageHeaderDynamic::OnShowWindow method [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Releasing the Waiting dialog [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: DF8FF64A-1967-4871-9E32-CA2F819BAB81 - PropertyName: HWNDForLoadingDialog - Value: 66476 [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: WaitForUserDuringLoad() [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: HasWelcomePage() [10/11/13,18:55:17] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::ThreadUI(): Setting the main thread event: E_ME_INSTALL [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_PREINSTALL) completed [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_INSTALL) starting [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:55:17] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:55:18] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:18] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:18] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:55:18] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:55:18] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BCC78D7A-89AE-11D2-AF03-00C04F797FB8} - PropertyName: Post Reboot State - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:19] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdatePause() Pausing Automatic Updates... [10/11/13,18:55:29] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdatePause() succeeded. [10/11/13,18:55:29] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:29] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:29] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:29] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: Downloading RemoteUrl= and LocalFile= [10/11/13,18:55:29] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=165067&clcid=0x409 [10/11/13,18:55:29] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,18:55:29] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: download protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:29] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Starting Download [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: Signature verification succeeded for dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: CDownloadJobCompositeImpl: Download completed with hr = 0x0 [10/11/13,18:55:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0F0CEAEB-1B4B-4525-B2FD-916139B23A56} - PropertyName: downloadmgrhresult - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:55:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {1BF67EB5-1FF3-4DF8-9C0E-3F2F4DB97898} - PropertyName: download protocol - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: Download finished. [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: dlmgr: File fetched. [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Copying file from C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\SIT29467.tmp\ to C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\ [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi - not a versioned file. [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProperty() [10/11/13,18:55:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: CMsiComponent::Install(): Validating files. [10/11/13,18:55:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {8297A38B-6431-4F1D-9F6E-C3D371CEA383} - PropertyName: WebSetup - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Looking for InstallPackage at dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Looking for InstallPackage at C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP07DBA.tmp\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Looking for InstallPackage at C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Found C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi [10/11/13,18:55:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {A17A8E79-CB1C-49DB-B92E-34ADBFCDA36B} - PropertyName: Patch List - Value: [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Command Line before token replacement. [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: APPGUID={6A86554B-8928-30E4-A53C-D7337689134D} REBOOT=ReallySuppress [10/11/13,18:55:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BD495746-4FBA-49F3-8EEB-D8B20EE75235} - PropertyName: Disable Rollback - Value: [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: MSIComponent Action: Installing MSI C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTS\wcu\watson\dw20shared.msi with command-line: APPGUID={6A86554B-8928-30E4-A53C-D7337689134D} REBOOT=ReallySuppress [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: (MsiRetryHelper) calling EnableMsiLog() function now. [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Enabling MSI log file: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_dw20shared_x86_msi7DBA.txt [10/11/13,18:55:30] BWaitForMSI(): Verifying we're the only installation currently in progress. [10/11/13,18:55:30] BWaitForMSI(): Ready to proceed with installation. Continuing... [10/11/13,18:55:30] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: (MsiRetryHelper) calling MsiInstallProduct() now. [10/11/13,18:55:58] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: MSI Record result detail: An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC80.CRT,version="8.0.50727.42",type="win32",processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b"'. Please refer to Help and Support for more information. [10/11/13,18:55:58] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: MSI Record result detail error code: 1935 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Action returned 1603/1935 - Retry counters: [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1618: 0/100 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603: 1/0 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1303: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1306: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1308: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1309: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1310: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1311: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1329: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1330: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1335: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1406: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1706: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/1719: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: 1603/25543: 0/2 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Will not retry. [10/11/13,18:55:59] InstallReturnValue: GFN_MID Microsoft Application Error Reporting, 0x643 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {B7D05DBA-FC13-4B6C-B30E-28967A0FFF4E} - PropertyName: Reboot Count - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: Reboot Counter = 1 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: This component HAS already request a reboot prior to installation. [10/11/13,18:55:59] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:55:59] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft Application Error Reporting. MSI returned error code 1603 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Obtained CSetupWatson instance [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProperty() [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProperty() [10/11/13,18:55:59] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Creating a PreReq Watson report with manifest: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\MAN168F.tmp [10/11/13,18:56:00] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Using manifest: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\MAN168F.tmp [10/11/13,18:56:00] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProperty() [10/11/13,18:56:00] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Setting the property CustomCoreProp_WatsonManifestReady to use the GenComp Manifest. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Completed [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {2B7DE335-914B-476F-AF77-E9EF03938188} - PropertyName: component number - Value: 3 [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {2B7DE335-914B-476F-AF77-E9EF03938188} - PropertyName: component number - Value: 3 [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {C30D2581-4604-47C2-BC48-412BDDA3AF16} - PropertyName: No Restart - Value: [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {D6B8FD61-6E36-489E-A9EF-A04CC202C14F} - PropertyName: queued deferred reboot - Value: 0 [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdatePause() Pausing Automatic Updates... [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdatePause() succeeded. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdateResume() Resuming Automatic Updates... [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: CSetupManager::AutomaticUpdateResume() succeeded. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {7F82DEDD-12EB-439F-B7A3-8B4264E0C20D} - PropertyName: enablerollback - Value: [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BD495746-4FBA-49F3-8EEB-D8B20EE75235} - PropertyName: Disable Rollback - Value: [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: ISetupManager::RunInstallFromList(IP_INSTALL) completed [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: last session tickcount: 3474517 [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: current total tickcount: 3669752 [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: reboot count: 1 [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: (reboot for next time): 2 [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {092114C2-997D-4D68-8F3A-8BC2584FD23B} - PropertyName: Quiet Mode Setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:56:00] vs70uimgr: Entering DisplayFinal() method. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {9EEA4DFB-733A-4349-B43E-F564351AC503} - PropertyName: Passive Mode - Value: [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {C30D2581-4604-47C2-BC48-412BDDA3AF16} - PropertyName: No Restart - Value: [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {47EAF7DE-458C-4C05-B3E1-82B9C563679B} - PropertyName: reboot at end of setup - Value: [10/11/13,18:56:00] vs70uimgr: Entering Next() method. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: Entered CPageHeaderDynamic::OnShowWindow method [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: Calculating finish page text... [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: Main product MSI is installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: Main product MSI is not installed so a setup failure occurred. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: Generating finish page component list. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: GenerateHtml() called in INSTALL mode. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: GetComponents() [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: get_Components() [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Application Error Reporting is not installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Application Error Reporting is not installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : A higher version of Visual Studio is already installed [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : IA64 blocker [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Windows XP Service Pack 3 is required [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Windows XP x64 Service Pack 2 is required [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Update Information [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Windows Imaging Component is required [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Windows Imaging Component (64-bit) is required [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 2 Update Information [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Windows Installer 3.1 or higher is required. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : VC 9.0 Runtime (x86) [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : VC 10.0 Runtime (x86) [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates VC 10.0 Runtime (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates VC 10.0 Runtime (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft .NET Framework 4 [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Windows XP [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x86) - Windows XP [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Windows 2003 [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x86) - Windows 2003 [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64) [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 Update (x64) [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x86) - Vista [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 (x64) - Vista [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : TFS Object Model (x86) [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates TFS Object Model (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates TFS Object Model (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : ROOT : Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x86) [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Silverlight [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK Prerequisite [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86) [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x86) [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Office Developer Tools (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Dotfuscator Software Services - Community Edition was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010 was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Crystal Reports templates for Visual Studio 2010 was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x86) ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:00] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 (x64) ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x86) ENU [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64) ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x86) ENU [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x86) ENU [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 (x64) ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x86) ENU [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 (x64) ENU was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates VC 10.0 Designtime (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates VC 10.0 Designtime (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x86) [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Performance Collection Tools (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IntelliTrace (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4 was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Publishing Wizard 1.4 was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x86) [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64) was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x86) Upgrade [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Service Pack 1 (x64) Upgrade [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: : Skip : Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x86 [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64 was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : DepCheck indicates Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 x64 was not attempted to be installed. [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {D530994B-CA3E-4CF3-AC2F-485962898182} - PropertyName: Watson Manifest Ready - Value: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\MAN168F.tmp [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: CFinishPage::LaunchWatson() - Launching Watson with manifest: C:\Users\Bart\AppData\Local\Temp\MAN168F.tmp [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {0DA26FFA-E386-4638-B01C-F9E71776E985} - PropertyName: InstallFailed - Value: InstallFailed [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {68788E55-88A1-43BA-AFE9-3C7315DF4A36} - PropertyName: ErrorLogged - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: Locating Help Library Manager... [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: Unable to find HelpLibraryManager.exe [10/11/13,18:56:01] VS70pgui: CFinishPage::UpdateFinal(): Could not find the Help Library Manager installed as expected! [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {CCA4E4A8-A78B-4088-AF1E-7BE468F9B996} - PropertyName: InstalledFrom - Value: c:\7a1edf6dfbaaabcda866c8\setup [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {075AE8D8-F0C1-42B1-AECE-764E2A428F40} - PropertyName: cpu type - Value: AMD64 [10/11/13,18:56:01] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 1 [10/11/13,18:56:02] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::DisplayFinal(): Reseting Main Thread Events [10/11/13,18:56:02] vs70uimgr: CUIMgr::DisplayFinal(): Finished reseting Main Thread Events