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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door FluffyRobin

  1. Hello all , (ik ben NL, tekst is engels omdat ik overal rondvraag)


    As you can read in the title, I can't connect with my wired Internet connection. The message keeps saying 'Ethernet can't find IP configuration'. Although I am connected to it, it's just says 'limited'.(Doesn't work for my windows 7 & 8.1) - Realtek PCIe FE Family controller


    Situation: I live in a new appartement - Got cable port to connect with PC - Tried with my neighbour's laptop and worked for him - about 4 other people on this network.


    I've been trying to solve this issue for over 6 hours now and I'm so tired and desperate.. 


    Is there anyone who could please help me out?

    Thanks in advance x


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